
three crops Learn more about three crops

  • What are the three elements of fertilizer?

    What are the three elements of fertilizer?

    What are the three elements of fertilizer?

  • Summary of Pond Culture Model of Tilapia in Gaoyao City, Guangdong Province

    Summary of Pond Culture Model of Tilapia in Gaoyao City, Guangdong Province

    Summary of Pond Culture Model of Tilapia in Gaoyao City, Guangdong Province

  • Multiple cropping and three-dimensional planting techniques of Cotton in Huaibei area

    Multiple cropping and three-dimensional planting techniques of Cotton in Huaibei area

    Multi-cropping three-dimensional planting is a high-yield and high-efficiency agricultural production form and supporting comprehensive technical system in line with the biological population structure. The development of multi-cropping three-dimensional planting can achieve good economic, social and ecological benefits. First, the mechanism of developing multi-cropping and three-dimensional planting of cotton in Huaibei area. 1. Adjust measures to local conditions and pay attention to efficiency. Cotton three-dimensional planting involves a variety of crops, a variety of factors, a variety of disciplines, with a strong time, regional, comprehensive and scientific. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the appropriate one according to the land and climate conditions in Huaibei area.

  • Cultivation model of three crops of edible fungi in one greenhouse

    Cultivation model of three crops of edible fungi in one greenhouse

    Cultivation model of three crops of edible fungi in one greenhouse

  • Will our transgenes break from these three crops? Would you plant it?

    Will our transgenes break from these three crops? Would you plant it?

    Will our transgenes break from these three crops? Would you plant it?

  • How to plant Pinellia ternata for three crops a year?

    How to plant Pinellia ternata for three crops a year?

    How to plant Pinellia ternata for three crops a year? To introduce the planting of Pinellia ternata, if you want to grow three crops a year, you can refer to the following planting methods: first, select land for land preparation and plant Pinellia ternata with loose and fertile soil. When preparing the soil, we apply 3000 Mu of miscellaneous fertilizer, 30 kg of phosphate fertilizer, 100 kg of plant ash, and no ammonium bicarbonate.

  • Cultivation techniques of Pinellia ternata with three crops in a year

    Cultivation techniques of Pinellia ternata with three crops in a year

    Cultivation techniques of Pinellia ternata with three crops in a year

  • The countries of three kinds of crops explicitly support planting.

    The countries of three kinds of crops explicitly support planting.

    There are tens of thousands of kinds of crops, but what is there a market for? What kind of planting can make a profit? Recently, the state has explicitly proposed to support the cultivation of these crops. Come on.

  • Fertilizer utilization rate of three major food crops: Rice, corn and wheat in China

    Fertilizer utilization rate of three major food crops: Rice, corn and wheat in China

    Zeng Yande, director of the planting Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, revealed at a news conference on the 2nd that China has carried out zero growth in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in recent years, and the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has increased steadily. According to scientific calculation, the three major grains of rice, corn and wheat in China in 2015

    2015-12-26 China rice corn wheat three major food crops chemical fertilizer
  • Pay attention to the coordinated development of major crop varieties in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei

    Pay attention to the coordinated development of major crop varieties in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei

    The reporter learned from the Beijing seed Management Station that in order to promote the promotion and application of excellent new crop varieties in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the agricultural departments of the three regions jointly issued the "opinions on the Establishment of an Integrated crop Variety approval Mechanism in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei" in 2015. In keeping Beijing and Tianjin

    2016-01-10 Attention Beijing Tianjin and Hebei coordination development major crops varieties
  • "three crops" can also be planted in the greenhouse.

    "three crops" can also be planted in the greenhouse.

  • How to cultivate Pinellia ternata with three crops a year

    How to cultivate Pinellia ternata with three crops a year

    How to cultivate Pinellia ternata with three crops a year

  • The three main changes in the revision of the seed Law

    The three main changes in the revision of the seed Law

    The revision of the seed Law is mainly reflected in three aspects: the examination and approval of major crop varieties, the registration of non-major crops and the protection of new plant varieties. At present, the development of China's seed industry is still in its infancy, and the conditions for abolishing the examination and approval system are not yet mature, so this species

    2016-01-10 Seed Law revision most important three change seed
  • Pinellia ternata grows three crops a year

    Pinellia ternata grows three crops a year

    Pinellia ternata, a traditional Chinese medicine, can be planted three times a year. Sowing in April, harvesting in July; sowing in July, harvesting in October; sowing in October, harvesting in April of the following year. Three crops of Pinellia ternata can earn more than 5000 yuan per mu. Selection of soil preparation: planting pinellia ternata in loose fertile soil is good. Combined with soil preparation, 3000~5000 kg of miscellaneous fertilizer, 25~30 kg of calcium superphosphate and 1000 kg of plant ash should be applied per mu, and ammonium bicarbonate should not be applied. After deep ploughing and fine harrowing, the ridge is 1.3 meters wide, 17 cm high and 30 cm wide. intercropping in furrow

  • 2017 what kind of crops should I grow? You can't plant these three kinds casually!

    2017 what kind of crops should I grow? You can't plant these three kinds casually!

    The market is a very strange thing, sometimes when there are more things in the market, the price will be cheaper, on the contrary, the price will rise. The same is true of crop planting. In the end, only ordinary people can only lose money by blindly following the trend. So in 2017, where?

    2020-11-09 2017 planting what crops okay these three no whatever.
  • What are the different methods of soilless cultivation? Three kinds of water culture, fog culture and substrate (with advantages and disadvantages)

    What are the different methods of soilless cultivation? Three kinds of water culture, fog culture and substrate (with advantages and disadvantages)

    There are three kinds of soilless cultivation methods: water culture, fog culture and substrate cultivation. Hydroponic culture: direct contact between plant roots and nutrient solution, without substrate. Aerosol culture: the nutrient solution is compressed into an aerosol and sprayed directly on the roots of crops. This method is too expensive and temporary.

    2020-11-08 Soilless cultivation have what different methods hydroponics aerosol culture and
  • Cultivation techniques of second crop (double cropping) of garlic

    Cultivation techniques of second crop (double cropping) of garlic

    First, what is the second crop of garlic. The so-called second crop (double season) garlic is to plant one season of early green garlic and one season of plastic film garlic (also known as garlic, bolting, garlic) in the year. Benefits of the second crop of garlic 1. It can effectively improve the land utilization rate and realize the planting system of "three kinds of three harvests" or "four kinds of four harvests" in one year, that is, "corn → green garlic → harvesting garlic" or "corn → watermelon or wax gourd → green garlic → harvesting". Every year, 4-5 days before the Qingming Festival, plant 2 rows of corn on the edge of garlic (waxy fresh corn is the most important).

  • Cultivation and processing techniques of three crops of Pinellia ternata in one year

    Cultivation and processing techniques of three crops of Pinellia ternata in one year

    First, it is better to select land for land preparation and plant Pinellia ternata with loose and fertile soil. When preparing the soil, 3000Mu of miscellaneous fertilizer is applied, 30kg of phosphate fertilizer is applied, 100kg of plant ash is applied, and ammonium bicarbonate is avoided. Deep ploughing fine rake, 1.3 meters wide, 0.17 meters high, 0.3 meters wide, the ditch can be intercropped with wheat, corn, sorghum or kenaf and other long-stalk crops. Second, the method of sowing usually uses tuber propagation to harvest three kinds of crops a year, that is, April and July, July and October, and April of the following year. How much seed block per mu is due to its large size?

  • Soybean is not suitable for continuous cropping.

    Soybean is not suitable for continuous cropping.

    The control technology of continuous cropping of soybean can slow down the effect on yield. The effect on soybean yield. Different environments have different effects on soybean yield. ① heavy cropping and light continuous cropping; heavy ② in the west and southwest and light in the north and east; heavy thin land and light fertilised land in ③; heavy slope in ④, light in low wet area; heavy dry year and young rain in ⑤; heavy no or less fertilization in ⑥, light in more fertilizer; heavy sowing in ⑦ and light in ploughing and renovation; heavy underground diseases and insect pests in ⑧, light in underground diseases and insect pests; ⑨ mature land is heavy, newly reclaimed land is light; ⑩ drought is heavy, irrigation is light. The East four League of Inner Mongolia Autonomous region and its

  • Cultivation techniques of Flammulina velutipes with poor quality after three crops in conventional cultivation

    Cultivation techniques of Flammulina velutipes with poor quality after three crops in conventional cultivation

    Cultivation techniques of Flammulina velutipes with poor quality after three crops in conventional cultivation
